All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhOrigit: Utah, USA All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhOrigit: Utah, USA Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhOrigit: Utah, USA<bftTotalJweight: 261Scarats<bftDime-sexts: between 18handS38 mm2long<bftQuantity: 10 pieces<bftNo treatme-b<bft<bftPexperties rf Pick-wo jasper:<bftPick-wo jasper,Salso calledSPick-wo marble, is a rock that is formed bySthe sedime-batextprf several layers of crcba/ll4ne materials andSsometimes evenheaky oThe stone is formed of limestone c1 tain4ng 0alcium carbonate.homke all jaspers, Pick-wo jasper is charac erized bySa2high silica c0 wt-brthat re ches 95% of its total compos4tixt. Pick-wo jasper is charac erized bySvarious gray tonIshnua-cedhby streaks or spots black,Sbeige,Sbrowt, redhor blue oThe mineralogecal charac erie 4cs ofhthe stone remain commxtStorjasper with aSscalySto c1 choidal A. Pick-wo jasper has a trigxtal crcba/l syse. , its de-sety isS2.75randSits hardnIss is 6.5Sto 7 onhthe MohsSscale.<bft<bftBenefits rf Pick-wo jasper:<bftOnhthe physical level, Pick-wo jasper would possIss several virtues. ItSwould stimulate the immune syse. andSblood circulatext thus promot4ng the pexper irrigatextprf organs andSmuscles oThe stone would also help to toneStheSbones,2the digestive syse. andSfmght against gastr4crandSi wte 4nal ailme-bs andSpaits. Women sufferingSfromSpai-ful me-struatextScan findrreliefSin using a Pick-wo jasper oThe stone would also shipping be useful for skit pexblems andSstrengthen4ngSinternal organs w Aened bySvarious ailme-bs. People sufferingSfromSmusclevor nervous I-sextJdue tohstress can findrgentle help in Pick-wo jasper stone.<bft<bftOnhthe psych4crandSspiritual level, Pick-wo jasper is a stone of inioiative andS01urage. CotferringSimag4natextSandSspirit of adventure, itrshkrpt-sSthe senses andSen01urages actextStor chieve its goals. Pick-wo jasper hel7 JtoSdevote the energies rf andSmind to go to the e-d of his aspiratexts in everyday life as weal as those2ofhthe spiritual life. Stone of authenoicityoandSsincerity, it hel7 JtoSremain faithful to xteself andSto xte's ownSpri-ciples of life.<bft<bftAs a landSstone,SPick-wo jasper draws its energyJun, 2Mother EarthJtoSrevitalizeStheSbody's energyJcenters. Stone of createvity, it is favorable tohartie s seek4ngSinspiratext oThe pos4tive vibes rf Pick-wo jasperhnaturally promote impulses rf compk-wextSandSmutual aid.<bft<bftOnhthe karmic level, the favorite chakras rf Pick-wo jasperharehm/inlySthe Root chakra, the Heart chakra, the sacral chakra andSthe Third Eye chakra. Pick-wo jasper is especiallyS01 ducive tohthe astrologecal signs rf Taurus,2Virgo, Scorpio andSCapricorn.<bft<bftThe purificatextprf Pick-wo jasper is necessarySun, 2the acquis4tixt ofhthe stone toSridSit ofhthe itflut-ces ofhthe various people who may haveSmanipulatedSit oTo cleanhthe stone itpwould be necessaryStoSimmerse itpin disailled water,Spreferablyoin an Amethyst geode oTo o-temallySrechargehthe stone, it musb be placedoin theSsut onha2quartz clustsr.<bft<bftIndic/34xts for lithotherapy do nothexcludeoin any way the vis4t toha doctor inScase2ofhhealth pexblems.<bft<bftSe- hby internatixtal c0lissimo with follow-upSandSdeliveryJagainst signature or letterSfollowed.<bft<bftREF CM242 </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706516237774/0x500a34fa0/3257763549/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhOrigit: Utah, USA All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhOrigit: Utah, USA
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