All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh>>>---------->hDESCRIPTION <----------<<<>>---------->hDETAILS + SIZING <----------<<<>>---------->hPRODUCTION + nHIPPING <----------<<<>>---------->hOURhDESIGNS - BE KIND - DON'T COPY <----------<<< Our ImageshorSLogo Our Appar.l, NapkithorSWelc1meSBaghDesigts Our Pext-co Ds="wt-textsh All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh>>>---------->hDESCRIPTION <----------<<<>>---------->hDETAILS + SIZING <----------<<<>>---------->hPRODUCTION + nHIPPING <----------<<<>>---------->hOURhDESIGNS - BE KIND - DON'T COPY <----------<<< Our ImageshorSLogo Our Appar.l, NapkithorSWelc1meSBaghDesigts Our Pext-co Ds="wt-textsh Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh>>>---------->hDESCRIPTION <----------<<<<bft<bftAdd2aSspecial touch to yourSeve thwith2ourScustomizedS22ounce plas343 shot gak-we .hThis affordable2tent cSis perfect for yourSfamily andruniends to toast to yourScelebra3ext.h Our plas343 shot gak-we are best for = ots, small foodhtae ings anm mini desserts.<bft<bft<bft>>>---------->hDETAILS + SIZING <----------<<<<bft<bftQUANTITY: Choose yourSdesired quantitySin2the drop dowt box.<bft<bftSIZE: Each cup holdsS22ounces.<bft<bftMEASUREMENTS: S2.25" tall x 1.875" widepat top.<bft<bftCOLOR:2Shot gak-we are clear it color.<bft<bftIMPORTANT: It is the nature of plas343 to bcuff and scratch dur4ngostacking anm = 27p4ng. Theserbcuffs and scratchesSar.Jnot considered aptefect.<bft<bft<bft>>>---------->hPRODUCTION + nHIPPING <----------<<<<bft<bftPext-coext timeSfor this custom madep4e. Sis generally2up to 3 weeks. Please allow up to 3 weeksSfor this custom 4e. Sto be madepbefore = 27ment. S3anmard ground = 27p4ng may take up to 3-5 bus4nessrdays depending on yourSloca3ext/delivIry address.hThishis a custom madep4e. . It is nxt-returnable anm considered apfital sale.<bft<bftIf you have any ques3exts, please contactrus before placing yourSorder.<bft<bftx♥x♥ BTID<bft<bft<bft>>>---------->hOURhDESIGNS - BE KIND - DON'T COPY <----------<<<<bft<bftBefore the I Do's actevely searches the marketplace for those who copy and steal2ourSunique desigts.hAll co wt-brin2ourSshop2is shipping our ittellectual teoperty. We do prxtect our ittellectual teopertyoand our copyrights.<bft<bftPlease do not retext-ce any of the following as i3 ispteohibited:<bft<bft> Our ImageshorSLogo<bft> Our Appar.l, NapkithorSWelc1meSBaghDesigts<bft> Our Pext-co Ds="wt-textsh </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270659520599/0x500d8a6e6/4133188100/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh>>>---------->hDESCRIPTION <----------<<<>>---------->hDETAILS + SIZING <----------<<<>>---------->hPRODUCTION + nHIPPING <----------<<<>>---------->hOURhDESIGNS - BE KIND - DON'T COPY <----------<<< Our ImageshorSLogo Our Appar.l, NapkithorSWelc1meSBaghDesigts Our Pext-co Ds="wt-textsh All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh>>>---------->hDESCRIPTION <----------<<<>>---------->hDETAILS + SIZING <----------<<<>>---------->hPRODUCTION + nHIPPING <----------<<<>>---------->hOURhDESIGNS - BE KIND - DON'T COPY <----------<<< Our ImageshorSLogo Our Appar.l, NapkithorSWelc1meSBaghDesigts Our Pext-co Ds="wt-textsh
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