Neo Revelation Set Pokémon Card Collection shipping
Neo Revelation Set Pokémon Card Collection shipping, Neo Revelation Set Pokémon Card CollectionPokémon Cards:Shining MagikarpKingdraPiloswine (3)Jynx (2)Flaaffy Octillery Lanturn (3)MagcargoStaryu (3)Paras (2)Goldeen (4)SeakingGeodudeQwilfishQuagsire SlugmaSnubbullSmoochum (4)Swinub (3)Shuckle (2)Farfetch'd.
Product code: Neo Revelation Set Pokémon Card Collection shipping
Neo Revelation Set Pokémon Card Collection Pokémon Cards: Shining Magikarp Kingdra Piloswine (3) Jynx (2) Flaaffy Octillery Lanturn (3) Magcargo Staryu (3) Paras (2) Goldeen (4) Seaking Geodude Qwilfish shipping Quagsire Slugma Snubbull Smoochum (4) Swinub (3) Shuckle (2) Farfetch'd (3) Chinchou Golbat Zubat (4) Aipom (5) Old Rod (3) Balloon Berry (3) (The cards aren't in mint condition and they aren't busted either. Most have whitening around some corners but some don't so it just depends on the card).
Neo Revelation Set Pokémon Card Collection Pokémon Cards: Shining Magikarp Kingdra Piloswine (3) Jynx (2) Flaaffy Octillery Lanturn (3) Magcargo Staryu (3) Paras (2) Goldeen (4) Seaking Geodude Qwilfish shipping Quagsire Slugma Snubbull Smoochum (4) Swinub (3) Shuckle (2) Farfetch'd (3) Chinchou Golbat Zubat (4) Aipom (5) Old Rod (3) Balloon Berry (3) (The cards aren't in mint condition and they aren't busted either. Most have whitening around some corners but some don't so it just depends on the card).