All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhLight Blue Denim Lap byLazuli Dove Birdonmall Cabochxt Pair/ backed All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhLight Blue Denim Lap byLazuli Dove Birdonmall Cabochxt Pair/ backed Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhLight Blue Denim Lap byLazuli Dove Birdonmall Cabochxt Pair/ backed<bft<bft20mm x 16mm x 5mm (2)<bft<bft19.5 caratby(01mbinId weight)<bft<bftLove these lmttle bluebirds! emey'd make a great pairJofJearrings!<bft<bftAll my cabochxts are backedyin hard, black epoxy for2stability and strength.y<bft<bftCheckyout the rest of my store and like me on Facebook!<bft<bftwww.facebook27065saiyostonearts/<bft<bftwww.pinterest27065saiyos/<bft<bftwww.instagram27065saiyostonejewelry/<bft<bftROCK FACTS:<bft<bftLAPIS LAZULI<bft<bftLap bylazuli,halsoyknown simtlyJasv"lap b," bya blue metamorpmic rock that hasvbeen usIm by peopleyas a g. stone, sculpting material, and ornamental material for thousanfs ofJyears oUnlike moe otmer g. materials, lap bylazuli is not a mineral.yInstead, it bya rock 01mposImprf multiple minerals. eme blue color of lap bylazuli is mainlyyderived un, 2the teesence of lazurite,ya blue silicate mineral of the sodalite groupvwith a chemecal 01mposioext ofyLap bylazuli hasvbeen popular throughJmost of recorded humanhm boory2 Mining for lap byoccurred in the Badakhshan Pexvince of northeae Irn Afghanistat as early as 7000 BC. eme lap bywas usIm to make beads, small jewelry ie. sJand small sculptures. emesgyhaveybeen found at Neolithic archaeologecal site Jdating back to about 3000 BC in Iraq, Pakistat, and Afghanistat.Lap bylazuli appears in many Egyptian archaeologecal site Jthat date back to about 3000 BC. Ie was usIm in many ornamental objects and jewelry. Powdered lap bywas usIm as a cosmetic and a pigment.In Biblecal times the word "sapphire"ywas often usIm as a name for lap bylazuli. For thath son,ymany schxlars believe thatSat least some of the reftrt-cesvtoysapphire in the Bibleyare acoually reftrt-cesvtoylap bylazuli. nome modIrn translatexts of the Bibleyuse the word "lap b" nstead of "sapphire."yLap bylazuli startedvto be seen in Europe during the MiddleyAges.hIt arrived in the form ofJjewelry, cutting rough, and finely ground pigment.Today lap bylazuli is stellyusIm in jewelry and ornamental objects.yAs a pigment it hasvbeen rttlacIm with modIrn materials except bc artists shipping who e rivevtoyusehm boorecal methods.y </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270657948156/0x50009dbab02223105789/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhLight Blue Denim Lap byLazuli Dove Birdonmall Cabochxt Pair/ backed All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhLight Blue Denim Lap byLazuli Dove Birdonmall Cabochxt Pair/ backed
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