Product Name: RESERVED shipping FOR SALAYA
Cards in first 4 pictures show cards included in the listing. The last 4 photos were for reference. Picture 1 Electabuzz 1 common 1 uncommon Magmar Common Magmar RevHolo from Hidden Fates Magmar from Fossil - whitening and off centered on the back Magmar XY Evolutions RevHolo 2 Extra Gyarados Holos An extra Magikarp RevHolo Picture 2 M Steelix EX Steelix RevHolo Rare Steelix Pokemon GO Machamp Holos x2 shipping Machamp Xy evolutions Holo and Rev Holo Picture 3 2 Tyranitar Holos Tyranitar EX - noticeable whitening M Tyranitar EX - noticeable whitening Garchomp C lx. X Garchomp Holo Picture 4 Gengar EX 1 Gengar Holo Rhyperior V Rhyperior V Full Art Metagross V Metagross Vmax.