1964 Transportation Communication Employees Union Constitution shipping and By-Laws Transportation Collectible Railroad
1964 Constitution and By-Laws for the Transportation - Communication Employees Union This smaller size booklet.
1964 Constitution and By-Laws for the Transportation - Communication Employees Union. This smaller size booklet measures 6 1/2" X 3 3/4" and has 126 printed pages including a forward and index. It is in Good vintage condition with minimal wear seen. This is part of an estate collection of paper from a shipping retired Burlington Railroad employee. We are in Florida and he retired here from the Midwest in the 1990s. We have several other pieces coming into our shop this weekend. Check back often - see link below.
The title page shows the by-laws for this year being revised and amended at their regular session of the Grand Division in Miami Beach Florida in June 1964.
The contents are large and we are going to list only the articles covered (each one breaks into several detailed sections in the booklet)
Article I - Organization
Article II - Membership
Article III - Grand Division Conventions
Article IV - Grand Division Officers and Elections
Article V - Authority and Duties of Grand Division Officers
Article VI - Revenue and Funds
Article VII - Official Publication
Article VIII - Representation at AFL - CIO Canadian Labour Congress Conventions
Article IX - Charges and Trials of Grand Division Officers
Article X - Dissolution
Articles XI - Government of Subordinate Divisions
Article XII - Misconduct and Penalties
Article XIII - Charges
Article XIV - Trials of Members
Article XV - Appeals
Article XVI - Amendments
Special Rules of Order
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