Dimensions: 6 x 6 x 12 inches
Weight: 6 lbs
These birdhouses have a solidly constructed wood birdhouse on the inside with weatherproof metal veneer wrapped around the outside.
The copyrighted design has been field tested and refined over several years to insure a front door size and perch length that are not only songbird-friendly but also protect the inhabitants from predators and egg snatchers. Each house is handmade and shipping well ventilated. The thick wood walls inside that provide optimal climate control insulation; cooling in the summer and warmth-retaining in the spring and fall.
They're safe, fully insulated, weatherproof and waterproof
Extremely sturdy (almost indestructible)
They'll never rust
They're spacious and well ventilated
Super easy to clean out (the roof is remova
Product code: Eagle shipping Birdhouse