Product Name: Bob Revolution stroller rear tire handlebar shipping cover brake strap
This is a complete bob JoggingStroller single or Duallie 16 x 1.75 tire. Axle stud 1.5” no grooves Handlebar cover Brake strap You can message me if you'd like to pick right or left side directional. And if you'd prefer the revolution rim or SE rim. Otherwise I will just be shipping whichever one I grab first All will fit. (FYI Pro will not fit) WELCOME TO KEEP YOUR OLDER BOB ALIVE BOB Single Sport Utility Stroller, BOB double & BOB Ironman Stroller Replacement Parts If you don't see it. I probable have it and can custom build you an order. please contact if international or have questions If you need something you can not find or you want todo a package deal message me. FYI I also have replacement parts for BOB double strollers #KEEPYOUROLDERBOBALIVE #KEEPYOURBOBALIVE shipping #BOBSTROLLER #STROLLERPARTS #DYISTROLLERREPAIR #BOBREVOLUTION #BOB #BOBUTILITY.