Archival 12" x 16" Fine Art Print of the oil painting, "Back of Osswasso" by Mark Cudney.
Quality inks combined with archival German Etching paper assure the longevity of each print.
In describing the painting, Mark says: "The original oil painting depicts an abandoned mid-nineteenth-century farmhouse in the hollow below my property. Once the residence of an aged hermit and later used by a hunting club named Osswasso, it has since partially collapsed due to neglect and the elements. I've painted it as it appeared in time gone by."
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You can find out more about Mark Cudney and view his prints and original paintings on his website:
Mark Cudney enjoys a close affinity to the countryside in which he has lived most of his adult life. Upon acreage in the hills of Western New York, he renovated a one hundred four year old barn in which to reside and stay close to the land he loves. Its sense of place, the wildlife and people there are the subjects and raw material for his paintings, essays and short stories.
"The best part of painting sporting scenes, landscapes and nature subjects is the field research; the time spent in the outdoors soaking up the experiences, gathering the raw material. The inspiration comes from love of place and the natural surroundings in which I find myself. "
Following a career as a commercial artist and illustrator creating art for demanding clients such as Remington Arms, Dunlop Sports, Bausch and Lomb, Fisher Price, Moog, Inc., Gannett Publishing, McGraw Hill Publishing, et al, Mark now paints and writes at his leisure. His art is in corporate and private collections and has appeared in Gray's Sporting Journal, Sporting Classics Magazine, Retriever News Magazine, Ducks Unlimited Canada Conservator Magazine and shipping Print Magazine. He has published an illustrated book of short stories entitled From the Clear Waters.
Product code: Archival 12" x 16" Fine Art shipping Print of the oil painting, "Back of Osswasso" by Mark Cudney