Raw Malachite on Matrix. Encoded With shipping Spear Of Destiny Energies. Helps Regain Power After Being Abused. Narcisist Recovery. Reiki#K185
Malachite On matrix crystal The natural formation of this stone it was obvious its calling.
Malachite On matrix crystal. The natural formation of this stone, it was obvious its calling. The spear of destiny wanted out to help a gentle soul that was taken advantage of and refuses to stoop to their level. There is some balancing that needs to be done. The spear of destiny rights the wrongs and helps to regain strength after somebody kicked you while you were done. IT brings in the shipping protection of God.
It was not your fault. You were just a little boy or girl. You trusted others to take care of you and they did not.
now you are hurt and do not trust many people and are carrying their mistakes.
Are you hard on yourself? Do you have low self esteem and seem to attract bad relationships?
Cannot seem to manifest the money and comfort you want?
Confused at times?
Malachite is a protection stone, absorbing negative energies and pollutants from the atmosphere and from the body. It guards against radiation of all kinds, clears electromagnetic pollution and heals earth energies.
As a stone of transformation, Malachite encourages change and emotional risk-taking. It shows what is blocking your spiritual growth, draws out deep feelings and psychosomatic causes, then allows you to break unwanted ties and outworn patterns. It encourages the expression of feelings, alleviating shyness and teaching the responsibility for one's own thoughts and actions. It supports friendships and empathy for other people